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a naturalist,
a car logo collector,
an architect for animals,
a fisherman,
a horse rider,
an origami folder,
a ghost hunter,
a flatulist,
a choir singer,
a jeweler,
an agricultural student,
a canoƫ champion,
a pianist,
a snail breeder,
a painter,
a horse monitor,
a scream queen,
a prom queen,
an art student,
a gardener,
a scrunchie seller,
a peer-helper,
a knitter,
a weaver,
a video game developer,
Emma Choley is a French artist born in Audincourt, currently studying in ESAD Grenoble. she considers herself as an everyday/everything experimenter and researcher.
diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (but maybe that's wrong), the way she navigates through her surroundings is structured by her many special interests.
marked by her personal readings in anthropology, philosophy of science and ethology (notably by the works of Jakob Von Uexkull and Vinciane Desprets), her work is a dialogue between herself and her surroundings. she constantly invents devices and protocols to create new languages. paying attention to the ordinary, she collects random facts, pictures, anecdotes, or pieces of stories she finds on the internet.
she's particularly inspired by the way the internet generate fictions about ourselves and shapes our daily practices. micro poems, amateurish slideshows, fake websites, pseudoscientific conferences and other ambiguous forms, invite us to consider our many daily attempts to comprehend our environment as a form of poetry.
curriculum vitae
knitting research
about my name
horse canvas
the apple pie problem
photostock poems (FR)
my husband cut down my raspberry bush
a book my cat wrote
video games